Лучшие помощники
15 декабря 2022 02:21

1 Weve got a little / a few prawns and a little / a few rice2 Can I have a little / a few salt on my pasta, please?
3 There are only a little / a few books in my schoolbag.
4 There are only a little / a few minutes until the end
of the lesson.
5 Put a little / a few honey and a little / a few fruit
on your pancake
6 Oh dear! We've only got a little / a few biscuits left.​

1 ответ
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1 a few\ a few
2 a little
3 a few
4 a few
5 little\few
6 a few

Хороший ответ
17 декабря 2022 02:21
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