Лучшие помощники
15 декабря 2022 14:36

2. Образуйте множественное число существительныхA mouse, a box, a roof, a foot, a dress, a city, a month, a mountain, a knife, a country.

3. Вставьте в предложения слова somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody
1. The question is so difficult that … can answer it.
2. … left his bag in our classroom yesterday.
3. Has … in this group got a dictionary?
4. … knows that plants like water.
5. Is there … who knows English?

1 ответ
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2) mouse - mice
box - boxes
roof - roof
foot - feet
dress - dresses
city - cities
month - months
mountain - mountains
knife - knifes
country - countries

3) 1. nobody
2. somebody
3. anybody
4. everybody
5. somebody
Хороший ответ
17 декабря 2022 14:36
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