Лучшие помощники
16 декабря 2022 06:12

Choose the correct answer.1 Welcome home. Thanks. It's very nice …A… back. A to be be C to being
2 is good for your health.' 'I know, but I don't enjoy it.' A To have exercised B Exercising C To exercising
3 'You have to home early tonight.' 'I will. A be coming B come C coming
4 'Do you watch TV very often?' 'No. I consider it A to be a waste of time. B being C is
5 'Did you enjoy the play?' "Yes. Were you involved in A make the scenery?' B to make C making
6 'Does your son study very much?' 'No, he spends his time A to watch television.' B watching C watch
7 'Did anyone help you with your homework?' No. I managed A do
8 'Let's go out tonight. it by myself. B to do C doing 'I'd rather A staying at home. I'm tired. B to stay C stay
9 'Why did you go to the supermarket?' some flour.' A To buy B Buy C Buying 10 'Do you know who "Yes, Mrs Jacobs. A speaking B speak to in the office?" C to speak

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2 b
3 b
4 a
5 c
6 b
7 b
8 c
9 a
10 c

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18 декабря 2022 06:12
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