Лучшие помощники
17 декабря 2022 05:28

Correct the mistakes. Исправьте ошибки. 1. The students were listening to the teacher while he were speaking. 2. Phil was washing the car while the rain started. 3. She was slipping on a banana skin and broke her leg. 4. I was always enjoying reading the fairy tales in the childhood. 5. They were going to the theatre last Sunday. 6. Bill came home late, drank some milk and was going to bed. 7. We were having dinner at a lovely restaurant every evening when we were on holiday. 8. Liza was buying a new dress for a party two days ago. 9. I took some really nice photos when I was being in Mexico. 10. Bob was meeting Mary yesterday.​

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1. The students were listening to the teacher while he was speaking.
2. Phil was washing the car while the rain has started.
3. She slipped on a banana skin and broke her leg.
4. I was enjoyed reading the fairy tales in the childhood.
5. They went to the theatre last Sunday.
6. Bill came home late, drank some milk and went to bed.
7. We had dinner at a lovely restaurant every evening when we were on holiday.
8. Liza bought a new dress for a party two days ago.
9. I took some really nice photos when I was in Mexico. (without being)
10. Bob met Mary yesterday.​
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19 декабря 2022 05:28
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