Лучшие помощники
25 декабря 2022 23:36

Употребитете правильную форму глагола в пассивном залоге1.the roads (cover) with the snow.
2.chocolate (make) from cocoa
3. the pyramids (build) in Egypt
4.This coat (buy) four years ago.
5.the stadium (open) next mouth.
6.your parents (ivite) to a meeting
7.where is your car?-It (repair) at the moment.
8. The books already (pack)
9.The castle can (see) from a long distance.
10.The guests must (meet) at noon

1 ответ
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1are covered
2is made
3are built
4was bought
5will be opened
6are invited
7is being repaired
8have already packed
9can be seen
10must be met

Хороший ответ
27 декабря 2022 23:36
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