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26 декабря 2022 04:45

Little Hans had a great many friends, but the most devoted friend of all was big Hugh the Miller Indeed, so devoted was the rich Miller to little Hans, that be would never go by his garden without leaning over the wall and plucking a large nosegay, or a handful of sweet herbs, or filling his pockets with plums and cherries if it was the fruit season "'Real friends should have everything in common,' the Miller used to say, and little Hans nodded and smiled, and felt very proud of having a friend with such noble ideas "Sometimes, indeed, the neighbours thought it strange that the rich Miller never gave little Hans anything in return, though he had a hundred sacks of flour stored away in his mill, and six milch cows, and a large flock of woolly sheep; but Hans never troubled his head about these things, and nothing gave him greater pleasure than to listen to all the wonderful things the Miller used to say about the unselfishness of true friendship "So little Hans worked away in his garden During the spring, the summer, and the autumn he was very happy, but when the winter came, and he had no fruit or flowers to bring to the market, he suffered a good deal from cold and hunger, and often had to go to bed without any supper but a few dried pears or some hard nuts In the winter, also, he was extremely lonely, as the Miller never came to see him then "'There is no good in my going to see little Hans as long as the snow lasts,' the Miller used to say to his wife, 'for when people are in trouble they should be left alone, and not be bothered by visitors That at least is my idea about friendship, and I am sure I am right So I shall wait till the spring comes, and then I shall pay him a visit, and he will be able to give me a large basket of primroses and that will make him so happy ' "'You are certainly very thoughtful about others,' answered the Wife, as she sat in her comfortable armchair by the big pinewood fire; 'very thoughtful indeed I am sure the clergyman himself could not say such beautiful things as you do, though he does live in a three-storied house, and wear a gold ring on his little finger ' "'But could we not ask little Hans up here?' said the Miller's youngest son 'If poor Hans is in trouble I will give him half my porridge, and show him my white rabbits ' ПРИДУМАТЬ ВОПРОСЫ К ТЕКСТУ (СРОЧНО)

2 ответа
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Who was little Hans' most devoted friend?
Why didn't Miller want to visit Hans in the winter?
When did he want to visit him?
What did Miller's youngest son want to give to Hans?
Was Miller really a friend of Hans?

Хороший ответ
28 декабря 2022 04:45
1.What do you think is true friendship?
2.Do you think the friendship between Hans and Miller was disinterested?
3.What would you do if you were Hans?

28 декабря 2022 04:45
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