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27 декабря 2022 01:13

Write what you had done yesterday: a) by the time your parent(s) came back home b) by the time supper was ready c) by 6 p.m. d) by the time you came back from school e) by bedtime

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Write what you had done yesterday:
a) by the time your parent(s) came back home
b) by the time supper was ready
c) by 6 p.m.
d) by the time you came back from school
e) by bedtime
a) I had done my homework by the time my parents came back home.
b) I had checked my mail by the time supper was ready.
c) I had finished reading another book by 6 pm.
d) I had cleaned up the room by the time you came back from school.
e) I'd finished playing computer games by bedtime.
( = listening to music by...; = watching TV by...)
Объяснение: had + V3........+ by .....- к какому-то времени; до какого-либо времени что-то было уже сделано.
Хороший ответ
29 декабря 2022 01:13
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