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27 декабря 2022 07:24

2. Guess the word by the explanation of its meaning.1) real or correct; telling what actually exists or happened
2) to divide again into smaller parts
3) to do harm when somebody is expecting your support
4) to make something seem bigger or better or worse than it really is
5) to talk with somebody about something

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1) real or correct; telling what actually exists or happened - true (правдивый, истинный)
2) to divide again into smaller parts - subdivide (подразделять)
3) to do harm when somebody is expecting your support - betray (предать)
4) to make something seem bigger or better or worse than it really is - exaggerate (преувеличивать)
5) to talk with somebody about something - discuss (обсуждать)
Хороший ответ
29 декабря 2022 07:24
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