Лучшие помощники
27 декабря 2022 08:37

СРОЧНО!ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА,ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО❤️Make the sentences using the given words.There are two extra options in each case.
1)That,broken,whether,strap,was,has been,the.(два слова лишних)
He said ... ... ... ... ...
2)that,missing,was,headphones, were,are,her.(два слова лишних)
She said ... ... ... ... ...
3)had,the day,yesterday,a new,camcorde,has,before,bought,he.(два слова лишних)
He said ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4)he,were,think,the batteries,flat,are,thought,that.(два слова лишних)
He said ... ... ... ... ... ...
5)the signal,that,this,very poor,day, were,was,that.(два слова лишних)
She said ... ... ... ... ... ...
6)that,guarantee,whether,wasn't,under,isn't,it.(два слова лишних)
He said ... ... ... ... ...
7)not,wire,touched,touch,the,didn't,to.(два слова лишних)
John said ... ... ... ... ...

1 ответ
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1) He said that the strap was broken.
2) She said that her headphones were missing.
3) He said he had bought a new camcorder the day before.
4) He said he thought that the batteries were flat.
5) She said that the signal was very poor that day.
6) He said that it wasn't under guarantee.
7) John said no to touch the wire.
Хороший ответ
29 декабря 2022 08:37
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