Лучшие помощники
17 января 2023 14:22

Люди добрые, помогите с английским, кто чем может
Где: P - сказуемое S - подлежащее С - дополнение А - обстоятельство D - определение

P.S Meganozg ты лучший

2 ответа
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2. Сделайте анализ предложений и поставьте специальные вопросы к
следующим предложениям:

1. Computer literacy encompasses three aspects of the computer's universal appeal (Вопрос к S, P)
Computer - D
literacy - S
encompasses - P
three - D
aspects - С
computer's universal - D
of the appeal - С

S - What encompasses three aspects of the computer's universal appeal?
P - What computer literacy does with three aspects of the computer's universal appeal?

2. In the near future, computer-illiterate people will have the same status as illiterate people today. (Вопрос к А, С)
In the near future - А
computer-illiterate - D
people - S
will have - P
the same - D
status - С
illiterate - D
people - С
today - А

А - When will computer-illiterate people have the same status as illiterate people today?
С - What will computer-illiterate people have In the near future?

3. Computer literacy courses are required by many schools and colleges. (Вопрос к S, C)
Computer literacy - D
courses - S
are required - P
many - D
schools and colleges - С

S - What is required by many schools and colleges?
C - What are computer literacy courses required by?

3.Преобразуйте следующие утвердительные предложения в отрицательные:
1. Computer literacy courses include students with varying degrees of understanding. (Отрицание к C)
students - C
C - Computer literacy courses include none students with varying degrees of understanding.

2. Some novice computer users can be confused and frustrated at first. Отрицание к Р)
Р - can be confused and frustrated
Р - Some novice computer users can't be confused and frustrated at first.

3. After some lessons the students are using computers and enjoying the experience.(Отрицание к A)
After some lessons - A
After none lessons the students are using computers and enjoying the experience.

4. His work is concerned with data processing systems. (Отрицание к S)
His work - S
None of his work is concerned with data processing systems.
Хороший ответ
18 января 2023 15:24
2. Сделайте анализ предложений и поставьте специальные вопросы к
следующим предложениям:

1. Computer literacy encompasses three aspects of the computer's universal appeal (Вопрос к S, P)
Computer - D
literacy - S
encompasses - P
three - D
aspects - С
computer's universal - D
of the appeal - С

S - What encompasses three aspects of the computer's universal appeal?
P - What computer literacy does with three aspects of the computer's universal appeal?

2. In the near future, computer-illiterate people will have the same status as illiterate people today. (Вопрос к А, С)
In the near future - А
computer-illiterate - D
people - S
will have - P
the same - D
status - С
illiterate - D
people - С
today - А

А - When will computer-illiterate people have the same status as illiterate people today?
С - What will computer-illiterate people have In the near future?

3. Computer literacy courses are required by many schools and colleges. (Вопрос к S, C)
Computer literacy - D
courses - S
are required - P
many - D
schools and colleges - С

S - What is required by many schools and colleges?
C - What are computer literacy courses required by?

3.Преобразуйте следующие утвердительные предложения в отрицательные:
1. Computer literacy courses include students with varying degrees of understanding. (Отрицание к C)
students - C
C - Computer literacy courses include none students with varying degrees of understanding.

2. Some novice computer users can be confused and frustrated at first. Отрицание к Р)
Р - can be confused and frustrated
Р - Some novice computer users can't be confused and frustrated at first.

3. After some lessons the students are using computers and enjoying the experience.(Отрицание к A)
After some lessons - A
After none lessons the students are using computers and enjoying the experience.

4. His work is concerned with data processing systems. (Отрицание к S)
His work - S
None of his work is concerned with data processing systems.
18 января 2023 15:24
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