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Зарегистрирован: 14 декабря 2022 19:04
1 e Training School 2 k Grand Opening 3 g franchise 4 f marketing company 5 l marketing and sales background 6 h support system 7 b to succeed 8 d customers 9 a community 10 j employees 11 i small business owners 12 c budgets
Хороший ответ
15 декабря 2022 12:14
Use negative or positive forms of “used to do” or “to be used to doing”: 1. She used to work as a sales rep before she was promoted to the Sales Manager. 2. Ann Bacon has been promoted to a new position this month but she is already used to performing her responsibilities. 3. Our company used to operate in a number of European countries but right now it is expanding quickly. 4. After graduation from the University he used to attend up to five job interviews per month before he was offered this job. 5. In my department I am responsible for collecting and interpreting data so I am used to making reports. 6. We used to hold an annual conference locally but this year we’ve decided to find a ve
Хороший ответ
15 декабря 2022 09:56