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Зарегистрирован: 31 января 2023 11:40
1. 1. Bob has 2 kids. 2. The school of Bob's son is near his job. 3. His daughter usually sings, and his son sleeps. 4. When Bob gets to work he usually reads his email. 5. No, he doesn't drink tea at work, he drinks coffee. 2. 1. does 2. does 3. make 4. does 5. makes 6. make 7. do 8. do 9. do 10. make
Хороший ответ
1 февраля 2023 08:59
4. a. Where are we going at the moment? b. Susan isn't wearing a witch costume. c. Ian and his mum are decorating the room for the holiday. d. What special dish your dad is making? e. She is not making a telephone call now. 5. 1. is sitting 2. is not raining 3. are waiting 4. is watching 5. are discussing 6. Is playing 7. is running 8. Is getting 9. Are reading
Хороший ответ
31 января 2023 12:49