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Зарегистрирован: 18 сентября 2024 19:08
1. These men are strong. 2. Those women are attractive. 3. These flats are comfortable. 4. What cities have you been to? 5. How many faculties are there at the university? 6. How many matches are there in the box? 7. What is there in these boxes? 8. Whose children are those? 9. How many books are there on the shelves? 10. Where do their wives work?
Хороший ответ
18 сентября 2024 19:12
1. These men are strong. 2. Those women are attractive. 3. These flats are comfortable. 4. What cities have you been to? 5. How many faculties are there at the university? 6. How many matches are there in the box? 7. What is there in these boxes? 8. Whose children are those? 9. How many books are there on the shelves? 10. Where do their wives work?
Хороший ответ
18 сентября 2024 19:15