Привет! Вот готовый код на языке Паскаль: ``` program Average; var num, countPos, countNeg, sumPos, sumNeg: integer; avgPos, avgNeg: real; begin countPos := 0; countNeg := 0; sumPos := 0; sumNeg := 0; repeat readln(num); if num > 0 then begin countPos := countPos + 1; sumPos := sumPos + num; end else if num begin countNeg := countNeg + 1; sumNeg := sumNeg + num; end; until num = 0; if (countPos = 0) or (countNeg = 0) then writeln('NO') else begin avgPos := sumPos / countPos; avgNeg := sumNeg / countNeg; writeln('Average of positive numbers: ', avgPos:0:1); writeln('Average of negative numb