Лучшие помощники
27 января 2023 19:28

Помогите с заданием First and Zero Conditional!!! Срочно прошу! Заранее благодарю! Безумно буду благодарен!!!
4. Choose the connect for of the verb, use the i Conditional.
1. If I don't feel/won't feel well tomorrow, I stay/will stay at
2. If the weather is/will be nice tomorrow, we go/will go to the beach
3. It is/will be hard to find a hotel if we arrive/will arrive late
4. The alarm rings/will ring if there is/will be a fire
5. I am will be surprised if they pass/will pass this exam

5. Complete the sentences, use the conditional.
1. You (go) to the party if they (invite) you.
2. If I (be) late this evening, you (wait) for me
3. We (swim) if it (not rain)
4. I (not understand) you if you (speak) fast.
5. If she (get) hungry, she (have) a snack.

6.Complete the sentences, use Zero or conditional,
1. If it (to be) sunny tomorrow, we (go) to the park.
2. If the wind (blow), the trees (move).
3. We always (get) good marks if we (study hard).
4. If (find) your e mail address, (send) you a photo
5. They (visit) the zoo if they (have) time this weekend.
6. If you (not sleep), you usually (feel) tired.
7. If you (drop) your laptop, it (break)
8. Your parents (buy) you a new phone if you (ask).
9. Plants (die) if you (not water) them.
10 If there (to be) no sun, it (to be) night.

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