Лучшие помощники
2 апреля 2023 02:01

Помогите ответить на вопросы на английскомRAPID SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES
Great discoveries were made in the nineteenth century. One of them was the discovery of cocaine, which was very effective as a local anaesthetic. Surgeons could inject cocaine into a certain part of the body and deaden (заглушать) the pain in that part during the operation.
When the problem of pain was solved, surgeons could
carry out long and complicated operations.
A very important discovery was made by the French chemist, physicist and bacteriologist Louis Pasteur. We know him as the originator of the “germ theory” of disease. Hediscovered fermentation and developed the process of pasteurization. Louis Pasteur produced the theory that disease and infection were caused by germs and he proved that they were spread through the air. He found that germs could be killed in the liquids (жидкостях) Ьу heat (теплом) and the term “pasteurization” was given to the process.
Rudolf Virchov became known for his work in cellula pathology, and Herman von Helmholtz for his invention of the ophthalmoscope in 1850.
Lord Joseph Lister introduced antiseptic surgery in 1867, and \Vllhelm K. Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895. He placed his hand in front of the apparatus and saw the rays passed through the hand and cast a shadow (тень) of bones on the screen (3KpaH). As these rays were unknown to him, he called them X-rays.
Answer the questions:
1) What was very effective as a local anaesthetic?
2) When could surgeons carry out long and complicated operations?
3) Who was the originator of the germ theory of disease?
4) What is pasteurization?
5) Who is the founder of cellular pathology?
6) What are the main scientific advances of the nineteenth
7) What did \Mlhelm K. Roentgen discover in 1895?

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1) Cocaine was very effective as a local anaesthetic.
2) The surgeons could carry out long and complicated operations when the issue of pain in the problematic part was resolved.
3) Louis Pasteur was the originator of the germ theory of disease.
4) Pasteurization is the process of killing germs in the liquids by heat.
5) Rudolf Virchow is the founder of cellular pathology.
6) X-rays, pasteurization, antiseptic surgery, ophthalmoscope, cellula pathology are the main scientific advances of the nineteenth century.
7) Wilhelm K. Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895.


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4 апреля 2023 02:01
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