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2 апреля 2023 10:41
Помогите пожалуйста еще ответить на вопросы, спасибо. 2. Where is Russia situated? 3. What is the longest river in Russia? 4.What old Russian towns on the Volga do you know? 5. Who founded the capital of Russia? When? 6. What is the heart of Moscow? 7. What can you say about the birch tree?
2. Russia is situated in the northern part of Eurasia.
3. The Volga is the longest river in Russia.
4. I know Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Myshkin and Rzhev.
5. The capital of Russia was founded in 1147 by Russian prince Yury Dolgoruki.
6. Red Square is the heart of Moscow.
7. The birch tree is a symbol of Russian nature and Russian beauty. It has a very special place in the country's culture.
3. The Volga is the longest river in Russia.
4. I know Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Myshkin and Rzhev.
5. The capital of Russia was founded in 1147 by Russian prince Yury Dolgoruki.
6. Red Square is the heart of Moscow.
7. The birch tree is a symbol of Russian nature and Russian beauty. It has a very special place in the country's culture.
Хороший ответ
4 апреля 2023 10:41
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