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2 апреля 2023 19:11

ДАЮ 70 БАЛЛОВвариант2

Underline the word with the same or similar meaning.
Example: to destroy

to kill b) to break c) to fight

to damage

a) to be out of luck b) to hurt c) to be in trouble

to defend

a) to save b) to protect c) to help


a) patient b) kind c) ambitious

Translate Russian into English.

1. Холодно и снежно.

2. Тепло и солнечно.

3. Дождливо и сыро.

Choose the word which best completes the sentence. Underline the word you have chosen.

I’m sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems.

take b) solve c) explore

The famous actor was shaking … laugh.

with b) from c) to

“Why is the little girl crying?” – “She has dropped her cup and … it”.

broke b) brought c) destroyed

He was … hurt during the earthquake.

quickly b) badly c) well

Choose the correct answer.

He … computer games from two till three yesterday.

a) played b) playing c) were playing

When I … into the kitchen, mother was cooking.

a) came b) come c) was coming

We … the floor in our flat yesterday.

a) to wash b) washed c) were washed.

The capital of … USA is Washington.

a) the b) - c) a

… Tokyo is the largest city in the world.

a) the b) - c) a

Why did she asked you … come?

a) to b) -

Complete the sentences, using Conditionals.

If the teenager … (collect) his thoughts, he … (win) the competition.

You … (stay) out of trouble, if you … (learn) German,

If she … (ring) me up, I … (tell) her the news.

Use the given verbs and write the following in the reported speech.

The mother advised her daughter: “Use less make-up, or you will look silly.”

The son said to his mother: “Yes, unfortunately I have broken your favourite vase.”

The boy invited his friend: “Hey, will you come to my birthday party?”

The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

OWN Now you are the …of this wonderful house.

SUCCESS Our country is proud of these … people.

NATION The 4th of July is the … Independence Day of the United States.

1 ответ
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to destroy: b
to damage: b
to defend: a
tolerant: c
1. Cold and snowy
2. Warm and sunny
3. Rainy and damp
I’m sure that one day the scientists will … most of medical problems. b
The famous actor was shaking … laugh. b
“Why is the little girl crying?” – “She has dropped her cup and … it”. a
He was … hurt during the earthquake b
He … computer games from two till three yesterday. a
When I … into the kitchen, mother was cooking. c
We … the floor in our flat yesterday c
The capital of … USA is Washington. b
… Tokyo is the largest city in the world. b
Why did she asked you … come? a
If the teenager collected his thoughts, he wined the competition.
You stayed out of trouble, if you learned German
If she ringed me up, I telled her the news.
Use these verbs and write the following in your speech.

The mother advised her daughter: "Use less makeup, otherwise you will look stupid."

The son told his mother: "Yes, unfortunately, I broke your favorite vase."

The boy invited his friend: “Hey, will you come for my birthday?”

The word in capital letters above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits in a space.

OWN Now you ... this wonderful house.

SUCCESS Our country is proud of these ... people.

NATION July 4 - United States Independence Day.
Объяснение: Сорян, то что обведено черным, я не очень знаю, попробуй запустить еще раз вопрос (того что я не написал), возможно кто-то ответит, либо сам
Хороший ответ
4 апреля 2023 19:11
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