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3 апреля 2023 01:30

Переделайте предложения в past simple

2 ответа
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I played computer games at 5 p.m yestarday
I talked to my friend on the phone two hours ago
He had a picnic at 11 p.m last Sunday
She played volleyball at 9 p.m
The day before yestarday we read an hours ago
Хороший ответ
5 апреля 2023 01:30
I played computer games yesterday.
I told to my friend on the phone.
He had a picnic last Sunday.
She played volleyball.
We red the day before yesterday.
В past simple не уточняется время, его надо убрать, а глагол поставить в форме past simple
5 апреля 2023 01:30
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