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Why do you study English?My main reason for studying English is that ...Knowing English will help me to ...I also study English because ...English will be useful when I ...Продолжить предложение из текста учебника: English 9 В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа. Стр 151

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I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to specific textbooks or pages. However, I can give you some general reasons why people study English:

- English is the most widely spoken language in the world and is used as a lingua franca in many international settings.
- Knowing English can open up opportunities for education, employment, and travel in English-speaking countries.
- English is the language of science, technology, and business, so proficiency in English is often required for certain professions.
- English is the language of popular culture, including music, movies, and literature, so learning English can enhance one's enjoyment and understanding of these media.

I hope this helps!
Хороший ответ
10 мая 2023 16:45
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