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Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb. Use Conditional I. 1. If we _________ (can) solve ecological problems, we _________ (safe) the world. 2. People_________ (be) healthier, if we _________ (stop) the air pollution. 3. If different countries _________ (test) nuclear weapons, it _________ (cause) radioactive pollution. 4. If factories_________ (pour) waste into the rivers, the water there _________ (be) poisoned. 5. We _________ (survive) if we _________ (protect) the nature all together. 6. When you _________ (go) to the south, _________ (try) not to stay under the straight sunbeams too long. 7. When we _________ (take part) in the TV show, we_________ (discuss) ecological problems. 8. When ecology _________ (become) better, animals _________ (return) to their habitats. 9. You _________ (learn) about rare and extinct species of animals when you_________ (read) this book. 10. Little Peter _________ (be able) to see different species of mammals, birds, reptiles and insects, when he _________ (go) to the zoo with his Mum.

Exercise 4. Read the text and say if the sentences are true or false?. Buy nothing day People have been celebrating 'Buy Nothing Day' for over a decade now. It started in 1993 in Canada and is now an international event in 55 countries. It has always fallen on the day after Thanksgiving in the US and on November 26th in the rest of the world. On this day, people try their best not to buy anything at all for the whole day. The idea is to make people stop and think about what they buy and how their spending habits affect the Earth's natural environment. Just a little effort can make a big difference. Let's take a look at what happens on Buy Nothing Day around the world... Montreal, Canada Today we're celebrating Buy Nothing Day at our school by holding an Eco-bazaar. We have been working hard on it all week. All the students have brought in a few items from home that are still in good condition. We receive coupons in return for each item. Now we are using the coupons to buy other things. Erica, 15 Birmingham, England We have decided to do simple things on Buy Nothing Day. We've walked to school instead of taking the bus and we've asked our parents not to go to the supermarket. James, 16 1. “Buy nothing day” is celebrated after Thanksgiving Day in the USA. _________ 2. On this day people try to buy the best things. _________ 3. In a Canadian school children organize an Eco-bazaar. _________ 4. All the students brought useless things to the Eco-bazaar. _________ 5. In England children didn’t go to school on “Buy nothing day”. _________

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Exercise 3:
1. can solve, will safe
2. would be, stopped
3. tested, would cause
4. pour, will be poisoned
5. will survive, protect
6. go, try
7. take part, will discuss
8. becomes, will return
9. will learn, read
10. will be able to see, goes

Exercise 4:
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
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30 мая 2023 15:54
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