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14 сентября 2023 16:56




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To find the surface area of a cube, you need the side length (Sкуб).

Given that Sкуб = 289 cm², we can calculate the length of each side (L) using the formula:

Sкуб = 6L²

289 = 6L²

Dividing both sides by 6:

48.17 = L²

Taking the square root of both sides:

L ≈ 6.94 cm

Now that we have the side length, we can find the surface area (Pосн) using the formula:

Pосн = 6L²

Pосн = 6 * (6.94 cm)²

Pосн ≈ 289 cm²

Therefore, the surface area of the cube is approximately 289 cm².
Хороший ответ
14 сентября 2023 16:57
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