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1 ноября 2023 07:42
chose the appriate words to complete the sentences my friend paul
Chose the appropriate words to complete the sentences, my friend Paul.
1. Paul is a ___________ person, always willing to lend a hand.
2. One of Paul's ___________ is his ability to make people laugh.
3. Paul has a ___________ personality, always seeing the positive side of things.
4. When it comes to sports, Paul is a ___________ player, always giving his best.
5. Paul is a ___________ friend, always there when you need him.
1. Paul is a ___________ person, always willing to lend a hand.
2. One of Paul's ___________ is his ability to make people laugh.
3. Paul has a ___________ personality, always seeing the positive side of things.
4. When it comes to sports, Paul is a ___________ player, always giving his best.
5. Paul is a ___________ friend, always there when you need him.
Хороший ответ
1 ноября 2023 07:45
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