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In 1984, just before the elections for the European Parliament, a
French magazine published a cartoon. The member states at that time were:
Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Greece, the UK, France, Hol-
land, Republic of Ireland and Italy. Below are the ten stereotypes attributed
by the cartoonist to these various members. Working with a partner, try to
decide which stereotype he put with which nationality: discreet, prolific, se-
rious, elegant, calm funny, gallant, disciplined, hospitable, virile. Answer ac-
cording to the model below. Is there any truth in national stereotypes? Do cul-
tural habits have an effect on business practices? Do stereotypes help or hind-
er business relationships? Are they unfair?
The French are considered ..., for ...; … are thought of as ..., because ...; …
are supposed to be ..., since...
National stereotypes can sometimes have a basis in truth, as they may reflect certain cultural norms or characteristics that are commonly associated with a particular country. These stereotypes can influence business practices to some extent, as understanding cultural habits and behaviors can help in building effective business relationships. However, stereotypes can also be unfair and limiting, as they may oversimplify and generalize the diversity within a country's population. It is important to approach stereotypes with caution and not let them dictate how we perceive or interact with individuals from different cultures.