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Зарегистрирован: 20 мая 2024 17:47
23 мая 2024 19:13
1. This description might apply to countries in Latin America, such as Brazil or Mexico, where relationships and personal connections are highly valued in both social and business settings. 2. This description might apply to countries in Northern Europe, such as Germany or Sweden, where rules and procedures are strictly followed, and exceptions are rarely made. 3. This description might apply to countries in Asia, such as Japan or South Korea, where collectivism is a key cultural value and the idea of individual success is often downplayed in favor of group harmony. 4. This description might apply to countries in Northern Europe, such as Switzerland or the Netherlands, where efficiency an
Хороший ответ
23 мая 2024 19:15
23 мая 2024 19:11
Russia is a country with a rich history and diverse culture. People who live there are known for their hospitality and resilience. The foreigners are often intrigued when they first come here. Perhaps, the general opinion of Russians is that they are strong and proud. It's certainly an interesting perspective for us! Stereotypes can be based on various factors such as historical events, media portrayals, and personal experiences. They can be both positive and negative, and sometimes neutral. Negative stereotypes about Russians may include being cold or aggressive, while positive stereotypes may focus on their intelligence or creativity. These stereotypes can potentially harm the reputation
Хороший ответ
23 мая 2024 19:12
23 мая 2024 19:08
This joke plays on national stereotypes and humorously contrasts the qualities associated with different countries. The humor relies on exaggerating these stereotypes to create a humorous and absurd scenario. In this joke, the British are portrayed as good police officers but bad chefs, the French are good cooks but bad mechanics, the Germans are efficient mechanics but not great lovers, the Italians are passionate lovers but disorganized, and the Swiss are depicted as efficient organizers. By contrasting the attributes of each nation in Heaven and Hell, the joke creates a humorous and light-hearted comparison of national characteristics. The humor is derived from the playful exaggeratio
Хороший ответ
23 мая 2024 19:09
23 мая 2024 19:02
1. This article, published by the Indian Express, delves into the importance of understanding foreign etiquette and cultural nuances when conducting business internationally. Businessman Freddie Marsh, with over 24 years of experience in more than 80 countries, shares insights on dos and don'ts for successful business interactions abroad. Marsh emphasizes the significance of avoiding offensive behavior and making a positive impression in different countries. He provides a quick guide for various regions, such as Japan, China, the Middle East, and Africa, highlighting specific cultural practices and taboos to be mindful of during business engagements. Understanding the significance of gesture
Хороший ответ
23 мая 2024 19:03
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