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2.4. You can suppose how we are seen by other nationalities. For this, 

complete the following text: 

Russia is a country ................................... People, who live there 

................................. The foreigners are often ...................... when they first come 

here. Perhaps, the general opinion of Russians is that.......... It's certainly ............. 

for us! 

2.5. The stereotypes can be positive, negative or neutral. Does this tell 

us anything about stereotypes? What are the stereotypes of Russians based 

on? Can they harm the reputation of our country on the world arena? What is 

the best way to respond to stereotypes: 

– with anger? 

– with a joke? 

– with an explanation why the stereotype is wrong? 

– with silence? 

– other?

1 ответ
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Russia is a country with a rich history and diverse culture. People who live there are known for their hospitality and resilience. The foreigners are often intrigued when they first come here. Perhaps, the general opinion of Russians is that they are strong and proud. It's certainly an interesting perspective for us!

Stereotypes can be based on various factors such as historical events, media portrayals, and personal experiences. They can be both positive and negative, and sometimes neutral. Negative stereotypes about Russians may include being cold or aggressive, while positive stereotypes may focus on their intelligence or creativity.

These stereotypes can potentially harm the reputation of the country on the world stage by perpetuating misconceptions and biases. The best way to respond to stereotypes is with patience and understanding. Responding with anger or silence may not help dispel the stereotypes, while responding with a joke may not address the underlying issues. Explaining why the stereotype is wrong can be a constructive way to challenge misconceptions and promote cultural understanding.
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23 мая 2024 19:12
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