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29 Этапы обучения правильному звукопроизношению.30 Технологии и особенности развития связной речи в дошкольномдетстве. Задачи и содержание обучения.31 Методика и технологии обучения диалогической речи в процессеобразовательной деятельности.32 Беседа как метод обучения диалогической речи.33 Технологии обучения пересказу литературных произведений.34 Технологии обучения рассказыванию из опыта.35 Технологии и организация работы по творческому рассказыванию.36 Монологическая речь как вид связной речи, природа и механизмы.37 Понятие описания как типа речи. Особенности и видытекстов-описаний.38 Методика и технологии обучения описанию игрушек инатуральных предметов.39 Методика и технологии обучения описанию картин.40 Сущность повествования как типа монологической речи. Признакии структура текстов-повествований.41 Особенности повествовательных рассказов детей дошкольноговозраста.42 Методика и технологии обучения дошкольниковповествовательным рассказам.43 Рассуждение как функционально-смысловой тип связной речи.Особенности текстов-рассуждений.44 Отличительные признаки детских рассуждений.45 Методика и технологии обучения детей рассуждениям.46 Методика и технологии обучения дошкольников пересказу.47 Роль книги в формировании личности и речевом развитии ребенка.48 Методика художественного чтения и рассказывания детям.49 Методика заучивания стихотворений.50 Подготовка детей к обучению грамоте
It looks like you have listed various topics related to teaching language and speech development in preschool children. Here is a brief overview of each topic:
29. Stages of teaching correct pronunciation.
30. Technologies and features of developing connected speech in preschool children. Objectives and content of teaching.
31. Methodology and technologies of teaching dialogical speech during educational activities.
32. Conversation as a method of teaching dialogical speech.
33. Technologies of teaching retelling of literary works.
34. Technologies of teaching storytelling from experience.
35. Technologies and organization of work on creative storytelling.
36. Monological speech as a type of connected speech, nature, and mechanisms.
37. Concept of description as a type of speech. Features and types of descriptive texts.
38. Methodology and technologies of teaching description of toys and natural objects.
39. Methodology and technologies of teaching description of paintings.
40. Essence of narration as a type of monological speech. Features and structure of narrative texts.
41. Features of narrative stories of preschool children.
42. Methodology and technologies of teaching preschoolers narrative stories.
43. Argumentation as a functional-semantic type of connected speech. Features of argumentative texts.
44. Distinguishing features of children's arguments.
45. Methodology and technologies of teaching children argumentation.
46. Methodology and technologies of teaching preschoolers retelling.
47. Role of books in shaping personality and speech development of a child.
48. Methodology of artistic reading and storytelling to children.
49. Methodology of memorizing poems.
50. Preparation of children for literacy education.
These topics cover various aspects of language development and teaching strategies for preschool children. If you have any specific questions or need more detailed information on any of these topics, feel free to ask!
29. Stages of teaching correct pronunciation.
30. Technologies and features of developing connected speech in preschool children. Objectives and content of teaching.
31. Methodology and technologies of teaching dialogical speech during educational activities.
32. Conversation as a method of teaching dialogical speech.
33. Technologies of teaching retelling of literary works.
34. Technologies of teaching storytelling from experience.
35. Technologies and organization of work on creative storytelling.
36. Monological speech as a type of connected speech, nature, and mechanisms.
37. Concept of description as a type of speech. Features and types of descriptive texts.
38. Methodology and technologies of teaching description of toys and natural objects.
39. Methodology and technologies of teaching description of paintings.
40. Essence of narration as a type of monological speech. Features and structure of narrative texts.
41. Features of narrative stories of preschool children.
42. Methodology and technologies of teaching preschoolers narrative stories.
43. Argumentation as a functional-semantic type of connected speech. Features of argumentative texts.
44. Distinguishing features of children's arguments.
45. Methodology and technologies of teaching children argumentation.
46. Methodology and technologies of teaching preschoolers retelling.
47. Role of books in shaping personality and speech development of a child.
48. Methodology of artistic reading and storytelling to children.
49. Methodology of memorizing poems.
50. Preparation of children for literacy education.
These topics cover various aspects of language development and teaching strategies for preschool children. If you have any specific questions or need more detailed information on any of these topics, feel free to ask!
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1 июля 2024 05:30
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