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1 октября 2024 19:23
Task 1. Onpedenume no cyooukcam, kakou uacmbro peuu
gensemca katcdoe cnoso. Tlepesedume cnosa:
useless, to knife, assistant, independent,
completely, disconnect, available, transformation,
difference, harmonize, freedom, insufficient, operator,movement, leadership, electrical, powerful, discontinue,inaccuracy, obtainable, safety, quickly, activity, entirely,misfortune, teacher, whitish, unload, spacious,
disapprove, socialism, widen, indefinitely, applicable,
darken, carelessness, pressure, construction, disappear,
really, increasing, decompose, industrial, simplify,
unnatural, performance, memorize, eventful, molecular,unusual, investment, active, to dust, dangerous, freedom,convertible, locality,
Task 1. Independence is a transformation that can completely harmonize a society. The difference between freedom and insufficient control is evident in the leadership of an independent operator. Movement towards electrical power can lead to the discontinuation of outdated practices and the inaccuracy of past methods. Obtainable safety is quickly becoming a priority in today's activities, as entirely preventable misfortunes continue to occur. Teachers play a whitish role in unloading knowledge in spacious classrooms, but some may disapprove of the current trend towards socialism. It is important to widen our understanding of applicable carelessness and the pressures of construction, as they can lead to the disappearance of opportunities. Really increasing efforts to decompose industrial complexities can simplify processes and lead to more natural performance. Memorizing eventful molecular occurrences can lead to unusual investments in active solutions, converting dangerous situations into freedom. Localities must be mindful of the indefinite possibilities that lie ahead.
Хороший ответ
1 октября 2024 19:24
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