Лучшие помощники
22 января 2025 08:19

   1. Рассказать о географическом положении Соединённых Штатов (North America; borders on).

2. Рассказать об океанах, воды которых омывают США (the AtlanticOcean; the Pacific Ocean).

3. Рассказать о ландшафте США (varies; mountain chains/plains/canyons/ deserts; the Rockies; plateaus: Columbia Plateau, Great Basin, Colorado Plateau; the Cordillera system; Alaska, the Brooks Range, the Yukon Tableland, the Aleutian Range, Mount McKinley; the Cascade Mountains, the Sierra Nevada Range).

4. Рассказать о крупных реках и озёрах (the Mississippi, the Missouri; the Gulf of Mexico; the Hudson River; the Columbia River, the Colorado River; the Great Lakes: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario; the Niagara Falls).

5. Рассказать о климате США (temperate, subtropical, subarctic, arctic, tropical).

6. Рассказать о полезных ископаемых США (coal, iron, gas, oil and different metals, silver and gold deposits).




1. Where geographically is the USA situated?

2. What is the country washed by?

3. What is the landscape of the USA characterised by?

4. Where are mountainous areas situated?

5. What mountain ranges are there in the USA?

6. What is the highest peak in North America?

7. What's the longest river in the USA?

8. What other rivers are there in the country?

9. What five lakes are there in the Great Lakes region?

10. What are the biggest falls in the world?

11. How can you describe the climate of the USA?

12. What mineral resources are there in the country?

1 ответ
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1. The United States is located in North America and shares borders with Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.
2. The United States is washed by the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast and the Pacific Ocean on the west coast.
3. The landscape of the USA varies greatly, including mountain chains, plains, canyons, deserts, plateaus such as the Columbia Plateau, Great Basin, and Colorado Plateau, and mountain systems like the Rockies and the Cordillera system.
4. Mountainous areas in the USA can be found in regions such as Alaska (Brooks Range, Yukon Tableland, Aleutian Range, Mount McKinley), the Cascade Mountains, and the Sierra Nevada Range.
5. Some of the notable mountain ranges in the USA include the Rockies, the Sierra Nevada Range, and the Cascades.
6. The highest peak in North America is Mount McKinley in Alaska.
7. The longest river in the USA is the Mississippi River.
8. Other significant rivers in the country include the Missouri River, the Hudson River, the Columbia River, and the Colorado River.
9. The Great Lakes region includes Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario.
10. The Niagara Falls are among the biggest falls in the world.
11. The climate of the USA varies from temperate in the north to subtropical in the south, with subarctic, arctic, and tropical climates in certain regions.
12. The USA is rich in mineral resources, including coal, iron, gas, oil, various metals, silver, and gold deposits.
Хороший ответ
22 января 2025 08:21
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