Лучшие помощники
30 ноября 2022 02:46

Какие задания ты дал бы ученикам лесной школы. напиши. Упражнение поможет тебе:Вставьте в предложения по смыслу: Peter! Count to ten,please! Martin!Write the ABC, please! Jane! Take your books, please! Pam! Dance, please! Nick! Count your pens, please!1) Billy! Take three blue pens please1)________________________________________________________________________2) Peter! Sing a merry song please
3)Jane! Take your bag and go home please
4) Dino! Count your pencils please
5) Thomas! Go to school please

1 ответ
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1) Billy! Take three blue pens please.
1) Billy! Count your pens, please.
2) Peter! Sing a merry song please
2) Peter! Sing "Jingle bells", please!
3)Jane! Take your bag and go home please
3) Jane! Stay at home, please, until you get well.
4) Dino! Count your pencils please.
4) Dino! Practise in counting more, please.
5) Thomas! Go to school please
5) Thomas! Pay more attention to studying, please.
Хороший ответ
2 декабря 2022 02:46
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