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- Megamozg 2205 б
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15 декабря 2022 07:45
Выбери правильный вариант.- Lions are (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) than tigers.
- The (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) domestic animals are the horses and the dogs.
- The (clever, cleverer, the cleverest) wild animals are monkeys.
- The (big, bigger, the biggest) animal is the elephant.
- The giraffes neck is (long, longer, the longest) than the tigers.
1) Lions are cleverer than tigers.
2)- The cleverest domestic animals are the horses and the dogs.
3)The cleverest) wild animals are monkeys.
4) the biggest animal is the elephant.
5) The giraffes neck is longer than the tigers.
2)- The cleverest domestic animals are the horses and the dogs.
3)The cleverest) wild animals are monkeys.
4) the biggest animal is the elephant.
5) The giraffes neck is longer than the tigers.
Хороший ответ
17 декабря 2022 07:45
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