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15 декабря 2022 23:11

Помогите срочноThe Hen and the Rose

(a reading test)

There was a beautiful garden. Every morning she looked at the sun and smiled. But one morning when the sun came out he was surprised to see that his friend, the rose, looked sad. He wanted to know what the matter was.

“Dear Rose,” said the sun, “why do you look so sad?

“ Oh dear!” answered the rose, “I am so unhappy because an ugly worm is eating my leaves and will not go away.”

The sun felt very sorry for the rose. “I will not shine,” he said, “until rose is happy.” So he hid behind the cloud.

The wind came along. “Father Sun,” he cried, “why are you not shining today?”

“Rose is so unhappy,” answered the sun. “An ugly worm is eating her leaves and will not go away. I will not shine until Rose is happy.”

“I am sorry fir Rose too,” said the wind. “I will not blow until rose is happy.”

And the wind stop blowing.

A bird was surprised when the wind stopped blowing.

“Mr Wind,” he called, “why have you stopped blowing?”

“Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves and will not go away. So Father Sun will not shine and I will not blow until Rose is happy.”

“I also love Rose,” sang the bird. . “I will not sing again until rose is happy.”

The bird met a hen. “Why do you look so sad? Why aren’t you singing?” said the hen.

“Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves and will not go away. So Father Sun will not shine, Mr Wind will not blow and I will not sing again until Rose is happy.”

“I also love Rose,” sang the bird. . “I will not sing again until rose is happy.”

The bird met a hen. “Why do you look so sad? Why aren’t you singing?” said the hen.

“Rose is so unhappy. An ugly worm is eating her leaves and will not go away. So Father Sun will not shine, Mr Wind will not blow and I will not sing again until Rose is happy.”

“Really!” cried the hen. “Please tell me how this will help Rose? If you want to help Rose you must do something for her. Come with me.”

The hen and the bird went to see the Rose. The old hen asked no questions. She did not even take the time to say good morning. She looked at the leaves of the rose with her little eyes. She found the worm and ate it.

“There,” she said. “See how I have helped Rose and at the same time had a delicious breakfast.”

Task A

Chose the right answer.

The hen and the bird went to see…

Father Sun
Mr. Wind

The worm was…

Green and black
Long and beautiful

The Rose was in…

A beautiful garden
A large forest
A smack garden

Every morning Rose…

Looked at the hen
Looked at the clouds
Looked at the sum

The old hen…

Asked a lot of questions
Spoke to the sun
Looked at the leaves of the rose

The old hen had a delicious…


1 ответ
Посмотреть ответы
The hen and the bird went to see…Rose
The worm was…Ugly
The Rose was in…A beautiful garden
Every morning Rose…Looked at the sun
The old hen…Looked at the leaves of the rose
The old hen had a delicious…Breakfast
Хороший ответ
17 декабря 2022 23:11
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