Лучшие помощники
26 декабря 2022 01:04

Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.1)nice
4) bad
5) bright
6) lucky
7) wonderful
8) shy
9) cruel
10) attractive
11) pleasant
12) low
13) busy
14) little
15) guiet
16) interesting
17) light
18) good
19) surprising
20) few
21) cjnvenient
22) large
23) neat
24) simple
25) intelligent
26) many
27) bitter
29) boring
30) heavy

3 ответа
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Хороший ответ
15 октября 2024 15:59

1) nice - nicer - the nicest
2) cheap - cheaper - the cheapest
3) expensive - more expensive - the most expensive
4) bad - worse - the worst
5) bright - brighter - the brightest
6) lucky - luckier - the luckiest
7) wonderful - more wonderful - the most wonderful
8) shy - shier - the shiest
9) cruel - more cruel - the most cruel / cruel - crueller - the cruellest
10) attractive - more attractive - the most attractive
11) pleasant - more pleasant - the most pleasant
12) low - lower - the lowest
13) busy - busier - the busiest
14) little - less - the least
15) quiet - quieter - the quietest / quiet - more quiet - the most quiet
16) interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
17) light - lighter - the lightest
18) good - better - the best
19) surprising - more surprising - the most surprising
20) few - fewer - the fewest
21) convenient - more convenient - the most convenient
22) large - larger - the largest
23) neat - neater - the neatest
24) simple - simpler - the simplest / simple - more simple - the most simple
25) intelligent - more intelligent - the most intelligent
26) many - more - the most
27) bitter - more bitter - the most bitter / bitter - bitterer - the bitterest
28) small - smaller - the smallest
29) boring - more boring - the most boring
30) heavy - heavier - the heaviest
Некоторые прилагательные могут образовывать степени сравнения двумя способами.
28 декабря 2022 01:04
1) nice - nicer - the nicest
2) cheap - cheaper - the cheapest
3) expensive - more expensive - the most expensive
4) bad - worse - the worst
5) bright - brighter - the brightest
6) lucky - luckier - the luckiest
7) wonderful - more wonderful - the most wonderful
8) shy - shier - the shiest
9) cruel - crueller - the cruellest
10) attractive - more attractive - the most attractive
11) pleasant - more pleasant - the most pleasant
12) low - lower - the lowest
13) busy - busier - the busiest
14) little - less - the least
15) quiet - quieter - the quietest
16) interesting - more interesting - the most interesting
17) light - lighter - the lightest
18) good - better - the best
19) surprising - more surprising - the most surprising
20) few - fewer - the fewest
21)convenient - more convenient - the most convenient
22) large - larger - the largest
23) neat - neater - the neatest
24) simple - simpler - the simplest
25) intelligent - more intelligent - the most intelligent
26) many - more - the most
27) bitter - bitterer - the bitterest
28) small - smaller - the smallest
29) boring - more boring - the most boring
30) heavy - heavier - the heaviest
28 декабря 2022 01:04
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