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14 января 2023 23:54

10 предложений в past continuous

1 ответ
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1) What was he doing when you entered the room?
– He was talking to his sister.
2) My father was watching his favourite thriller when mother came.
3) What were you doing in England?
– I was writing a book about London there.
4) I was doing my homework at that moment.
5) I was having a meeting with my friends at 6 p.m. yesterday.
6) They were playing football from 10 to 12 last Sunday.
7) She was sleeping when the telephone rang.
8) When he entered the room, his sister was reading a book.
9) He lost the key while he was playing with his dog in the park.
10) – What were you doing at 8 a.m.? – Что ты делал в 8 утра?
– I was drinking coffee.

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16 января 2023 23:54
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