Лучшие помощники
15 января 2023 01:09

а)вставь получившиеся словосочетания.прочитай предложения. Martin....in the morning. Nick can.........well. We must.....our.....every day. I,m hungru.Let,s............... . Pam likes to .........orange ........ . б)соедини слова. составь словосочетания play bueakfast clean hands and face wash tennis have juice drink teeth .

2 ответа
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Martin..cleans . teeth ..in the morning.
Nick can...play.. tennis....well.
We must..wash ...our... hands and face..every day.
I'm hungry.Let's..have ...breakfast.......... .
Pam likes to ..drink .......orange .. juice...... .

Хороший ответ
17 января 2023 01:09
Martin cleans his teeth in the morning.
Nick can play tennis well.
We must wash our hands and face every day.
I,m hungry.Let,s have breakfast.
Pam likes to drink orange juice.

play tennis
clean teeth
wash hands and face
have breakfast
drink juice
17 января 2023 01:09
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