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Зарегистрирован: 27 февраля 2023 11:12
Let's break down the expression step by step: 1. \(64^{-5}\) This is equal to \(1/64^5\), which is equal to \(1/(64*64*64*64*64)\), or \(1/1073741824\). 2. \(0.125^{-1}\) This is equal to \(1/0.125\), which is equal to 8. 3. \(32*2^{-4}\) This is equal to \(32*(1/2^4)\), which simplifies to \(32*(1/16)\), which is equal to 2. 4. \(16^{-1}\) This is equal to \(1/16\), which is equal to 0.0625. 5. \(3^0\) Any number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1. Now let's substitute these values back into the original expression: \(1/1073741824 \div 6 + 8 \div 3 - 2 * 0.0625 * 1/2 + 1^4 * 4\) Now we simplify further: \(1/1073741824 \div 6 + 8/3 - 2 * 0.0625 * 1/2 + 1 * 4\) \(
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25 июня 2024 16:27
Для нахождения значений sin t, th t и ctg t, нам понадобится использовать тригонометрические тождества. Известно, что cos t = -9/41. Мы можем использовать тождество sin^2 t + cos^2 t = 1, чтобы найти значение sin t. sin^2 t = 1 - cos^2 t sin^2 t = 1 - (-9/41)^2 sin^2 t = 1 - 81/1681 sin^2 t = 1600/1681 Так как sin t > 0 в интервале (π/2;π), мы можем взять положительный корень: sin t = √(1600/1681) sin t ≈ 40/41 Теперь мы можем использовать sin t и cos t, чтобы найти значение th t и ctg t. th t = sin t / cos t th t = (40/41) / (-9/41) th t = -40/9 ctg t = cos t / sin t ctg t = (-9/41) / (40/41) ctg t = -9/40 Итак, значения sin t, th t и ctg t при cos t = -9/41 и t в диапазоне (π/2;π)
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28 ноября 2023 16:06
To find the volume of Li2SO3, we need to use the stoichiometry of the reaction and the given volume of SO2. From the balanced equation: 1 mole of SO2 reacts with 1 mole of H2SO3, which then reacts with 1 mole of Li2SO3. Given that the volume of SO2 is 6.82 L (at standard conditions), we can use the ideal gas law to find the number of moles of SO2: n(SO2) = V(SO2) / Vm(SO2) Where Vm(SO2) is the molar volume of SO2 at standard conditions (22.4 L/mol). n(SO2) = 6.82 L / 22.4 L/mol = 0.304 moles of SO2 Since the stoichiometry of the reaction is 1:1:1, we have 0.304 moles of H2SO3 and 0.304 moles of Li2SO3. Now, we can find the volume of Li2SO3 using the ideal gas law: V(Li2SO3) =
Хороший ответ
18 ноября 2023 08:00