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Contact across cultures. Problems in international business relation-

ships are not always caused by language difficulties. Fill each of the blanks in 

the following text. Use one word only in each space.

Doing business with people of other nationalities involves more than learn-

ing foreign languages. There are often cultural differences _______ people of dif-

ferent national backgrounds. These differences sometimes complicate business re-

lationships _______ negotiations. It _______ important to be aware _______ your 

own cultural tendencies as _______ as those of your business partners. The areas 

which we need to be aware _______ include body language, gesture, socialising, 

customs, attitudes _______ punctuality and dress_______ business practice. It is 

useful to know, _______ example, that the British _______ hands less often than 

other European people, that Americans _______ first names _______ often than 

many other nationalities and that the Japanese _______ that harmony and consen-

sus _______ very important. We _______ find out about other cultures _______ 

reading and talking to _______ with experience. When we _______other countries, 

it is important to _______ good observers and listeners. We _______ avoid criticis-

ing other cultures and realise that we all have similar problems but different ways 

of dealing with them.

1 ответ
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Doing business with people of other nationalities involves more than learning foreign languages. There are often cultural differences among people of different national backgrounds. These differences sometimes complicate business relationships during negotiations. It is important to be aware of your own cultural tendencies as well as those of your business partners. The areas which we need to be aware of include body language, gestures, socializing, customs, attitudes toward punctuality, and dress in business practices. It is useful to know, for example, that the British shake hands less often than other European people, that Americans use first names more often than many other nationalities, and that the Japanese believe that harmony and consensus are very important. We can find out about other cultures by reading and talking to those with experience. When we visit other countries, it is important to be good observers and listeners. We should avoid criticizing other cultures and realize that we all have similar problems but different ways of dealing with them.
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20 мая 2024 18:30
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