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15 января 2023 00:41

10 предложений с прилагательными на английском в сравнительной и превосходной степени (10 в сравнительной и 10 в превосходной степени)

1 ответ
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1. My shirt is dirtier than yours.
2. His dog is bigger than my dog.
3. Your book is more interesting than her book.
4. Our teacher is better than yours.
5. Her brother is younger than me.
6. His pencil is longer than mine.
7. My house is larger than your house.
8. My cat is fatter than yours.
9. My father is stronger than my brother.
10. My dog is younger than your dog.

1. Nina is my best friend.
2. Monkeys are the funniest animals in the world.
3. I am the tallest in my class.
4. I am the strongest in my family.
5. My father is the eldest among his brothers.
6. My friend is the kindest of all.
7. Olga is the nicest girl in my class.
8. My best friend is the most hard working in our group.
9. My sister is the quietest in our family.
10. My girlfriend is the most romantic in the world.

Хороший ответ
17 января 2023 00:41
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